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SMCP-70J Extrusion puff Machine Installation Operation( installation process, operate process)


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1. The introduction: spare parts of the machine head; First, they are the spare parts which disassembly from the extrusion puff machine head. Every spare parts need to assemble to the machine, then the machine could work safe and well. Below is picture for all the spare parts.


2. The machine accessories as gift: 27# Open spanner 2 pieces
            22# Open spanner 1 pieces
            22# Double Offset Ring Spanner 1 pieces
            Screwdriver 1 pieces


3. The description of the control panel operation.
Main power switch: Control the machine power.
Indicator: The red one light up mean machine work well.
Spin Butter: Control the cutter on-off.
Debugging switch: factory default 60p, control the cutter's speed. High speed, short length of puffed material. Low speed, long length of puffed material.


4.The introduction about the die hole; Our machine could puff various shape, the hole diameter will affect the puff material size, the red mark show the difference. Now we can puff the shape: big rice shape, small rice shape, star shape, round shape.


5. The description of the steel stamp on the screw barrel; The steel stamp means the puff degree. We also have one screw barrel without the stamp, which mean low puff degree.


6.The way to install the patch; Next, we need to assemble the die and the patch. The die and the patch need very close, pls see the picture. It's flat. Our advice is use a small wrench lightly tapped up, until it can not be closed any more.



7.The way to install the screw barrel; The screw need to put into the barrel, the picture above show how to install the screw and barrel. The screw hollow side match the barrel bulge side, then put the screw into the barrel. (The picture 3)


8.After install the screw barrel; We need to install the screw barrel into the machine head, the screw barrel bulge side match the machine head dent side. Then push. Now the screw and the barrel can not be parallel, need clockwise twist a circle for the screw, keep the screw and the barrel parallel.


9.The way to install the die; After the die heated, be careful, pls safety conscious when install the die. The screw thread short side twists in. Attention, the four whole need be match, and fit up parallel.


10.How to install the 4 bolts. The sequence to install the bolts is angel install. Pls don't tight the bolts directly, as it will affect the puffed material shape. Now, need the tight the bolts tight, until it can't be tight any more. The tighter the better, so the puffed size will be even and same.



11.The way to install the cutter, the hole match the bulge part, pls check the picture 2. It's installed cutter, then the cutter outward install to the machine head.


12.The patch install, remember, not leak the patch, install the patch and screw on two bolts.

How to adjust the puff degree? There is a point, very important, the two bolts tightness should be just right. Not to tight or loose. Pls check the vedio on 12 min 50 second. First screw the bolt inside, then the outside bolt. If the pulley is too heavy, need to loose the bolt inside, then tight the outside bolt. The specific tightness needs to rely on their own operate, more practice makes perfect.


13.The way to install the shield. The install of the shield is relatively simple, just the large hole inwards, and install the bolts.


14. Finally, explain extrusion bulking machine controller circuit related problems;From left to right, by the ac contactor, fault and fault facies protector, frequency converter;Communication protector mainly control the main motor running, fault and fault facies protector, mainly used in the wrong order or lack of phase rise to disconnect the circuit protection device, frequency converter to control the main motor and small motor, is the central controller of the machine, do not damage!

  Our machine design pay more attention to the safety problem, the operate safety problem. Attention, when the machine works smooth, use the shield. Safe production, safe is the most important thing. Because the belt running speed is high, if anything go into the belt, and machine stuck, it not good for the machine, and not good for the operate workers safety.


15.Put small amount of rice in the hopper; Get ready to production; Before to produce, please confirm the machine power is properly connected? Are all parts of the machine already finished debugging? At first, don't put too much rice into the hopper, careful observe the shape of puffs, puffing degree, etc., The amount of rice can be gradually increased, so that the effect of puffed rice can be guaranteed. Beautiful shape, right size. During the puffing process, according the actual operation needs, adjust the cutter speed. Which can change the puffed cereal shape and size. When the machine is work smooth, don't adjust the machine head, to avoid being hurt by the belt!

No matter what kind of material is puffed. After puffing completed, put a handful soybeans into the machine. It will help the machine clean. Because the soybeans contain oil, will good for the machine.

After the machine use, need to disassemble the screw barrel, die, the die use gas stove or natural gas burn, do not use the induction cooker, clean the residual waste inside. Heating about 15 minutes, then take the die down; Remove the patch first, use a wool brush fixed die, with a screwdriver can remove the patch. Then use steel wire to clear the hole to prepare for the next use;

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Key:Extrusion puff machine, installation process, operate process, food extruder

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