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Human-computer interaction in modern mechanical industry to occupy the position of the amplitude is


Reprinted:baidu, The human-computer interaction

Human-computer interaction, human-computer interaction, is the study of the interaction relationship between users and system science.System can be all kinds of machines, can also be a computerized systems and software.The human-computer interaction interface is usually refers to the visible part of the user.The user through the human-computer interaction interface and system communication, and operate.Small as the radio broadcast buttons to the dashboard, or power plant control room on the plane.Human-computer interaction interface design should contain the user's understanding of the system (i.e., mental model), it is for the system availability or user friendly.

Human-computer interaction refers to using a dialogue between man and computer language, in a certain way of interaction, to determine the task of the exchange of information between people and computer process.There are many famous companies and academic institutions are studying the human-computer interaction.In the history of computer development, people pay little attention to the computer's ease of use.Now, many computer users complain about computer manufacturers on how to make their products "user friendly" not putting enough energy.And, in turn, these developers have also complained that the computer system, their reason is: design and manufacture of computer is a very complicated work, just to research how to application of computer in the field of new problems have occupied most of their energy, is really have no spare energy to study how to improve the ease of use of the computer.

Human-computer interaction (HCI) is one of the most important question is: the use of different computer users have different styles, their way of education background different, understand different, learning methods and skills are not the same, for example, a left-handed people and ordinary people use habit is completely different.In addition, consider the factors of culture and nationality.Second, the research and design of the human-computer interaction is to consider the user interface technology changes quickly, provide new interaction technology may not apply to previous research.Also, when a user gradually mastered the new interface, they may put forward new requirements.

Several stages of the human-machine interface:

1) in the early stages of manual work. The characteristics of the interaction was by the designer himself (or colleagues of the department) to use the computer, they adopt manual operation and rely on the machine (binary machine code) method to adapt to now seems very awkward computer;

2) job control language and interactive command language stage. The characteristics of this stage is the main user of the computer --, programmers can use batch jobs or interactive command language and computer language, although many typing commands and expertly to memory, but has a convenient means to debug programs available, understand computer implementation;

3) phase of the graphical user interface (GUI). The main characteristic of the GUI is desktop metaphor, WIMP technology, direct manipulation and "what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG). Because GU concise yi-ology, reduced the typing, I realized the" standardization "in fact, so that don't understand, ordinary users also can skillfully use computer, explore the user population. It is the emergence of the information industry got unprecedented development;

4) the emergence of network user interface. To hypertext markup language (HTML and hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP as the main basis of web browsers is representative of the network user interface. The WWW network formed by it has become a pillar of the Internet today. The characteristics of this type of human-computer interaction technology is developing fast, new technology appear constantly, such as search engine, network speed, multimedia animation, chat tools, etc.;

5) multi-channel, multimedia intelligent human-computer interaction stage. Represented by virtual reality of computer system of anthropomorphic and represented by handheld computers, smart phones, computer miniaturization, portable, embedded, are the two important development trend of the current computer. And represented by the mouse and keyboard GU I technology is affecting their development bottleneck.


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